Creative Corner: Tash – Millennial Momma blog

Hello guys!

Exciting news, today we have our very first blogger taking part in the Creative Corner series, this is super exciting!

I have started a new interview series on the blog where I’ll be interviewing creative people such as bloggers, podcasters, authors etc. If you wanna get to know creatives and be inspired then this is most definitely for you!

Our very first guest is a bubbly 20-something-year-old mom and blogger Tash aka Millennial Momma from Johannesburg, South Africa.

Millennial Momma says she started her blog as a place for all her thoughts, feelings, and fears about being a young mom in today’s day and age. She shares new posts every Wednesday and recaps at the end of each month.

I would like you all to give a very warm welcome to Tash aka Millennial Momma


Before we get cracking, I thought I would introduce myself. I’m Tash, a 23-year-old mom and wife. When I’m not momming and wifing (and when I should probably be catching my breath) I blog over at Millennial Momma.

What inspires you to write/blog and where do you get your ideas from?

Phew, I’m glad we are starting with an easy one! Since my blog is classed as a mom blog, it’s safe to say I get most of my inspiration from my daughter (who is legit the coolest person ever) and the adventures we go on together. I get my ideas from whatever is going on in our lives at the time, a list of topics I wrote down when I was on maternity leave and other mom blogs.

Besides blogging, what else do you enjoy doing/what are your hobbies?

At the moment my hobbies are minimal because I work full time, have two side jobs, run my blog – while still trying to be an awesome mom and wife.

With that being said, I am an avid Bullet Journal-er and recently learnt how to knit and am in the process of knitting a patchwork blanket that will probably be finished in, like, 18 years.

How would you describe yourself?

I am a super-duper friendly person who always sees the best in people.

I am also soppy, sentimental and sensitive – basically a walking marshmallow.

What is your biggest fear?

Without getting too deep, my biggest fear is missing out on my daughter’s life. Also, I’m petrified of frogs and mildly frightened of chickens (the origins of these are both great stories!)

How do you de-stress after a long day?

Like I’m sure many working moms feel, what follows after a long day is an even longer night.

From the moment I get home from work, my mom pants are on and it’s time to do this parenting thing!

Once my little girl is fed, bathed, cuddled and put to sleep I have a 2-hour gap where I can chill out before going to sleep myself. I use this time to work on my blog and focus some effort on my side hustles.

What’s your favourite movie?

I am a hardcore Harry Potter fan and my favourite movie from the franchise would have to be Order Of The Phoenix. Gives me goosies every time!

What is your day job and what is your favourite thing about it?

I work as a financial administrator and office administrator at a Human Centred Design company and my favourite thing about my job is the company I work for. They are a truly amazing bunch of people and we have a fantastic internal culture.

What do you do to keep fit?

I run around after my toddler! No, for reals though, I am horrendously unfit at the moment and that is something I am working on.

What is your “get up and go” song?

My “get up and go” song changes on the regular.

Right now it is ‘Body’ by Loud Luxury and Brando and at the moment I’m weirdly into anything by Shawn Mendes.

What is the most difficult challenge you’ve ever had to overcome and how did you overcome it?

So, obviously giving birth to a human wasn’t the easiest thing to do and throughout my life I have had my fair share of challenging circumstances.

Again, without going too deep, my most difficult challenge I’ve ever had to overcome was working for a toxic employer. This woman almost broke me and to this day I still feel some of the aftershocks of her abuse.

I overcame this struggle by initially getting myself out of that vile environment and finding a new job, and when that didn’t quite do the trick and the abuse continued, by threatening legal action.

It was a truly icky time but looking back I must admit that I am thankful for that entire situation because being in it taught me so much about myself and helped me realize that I’m a lot stronger than I give myself credit for.

Anyhoo, thanks for letting me ramble on!

Huge thanks to Millennial Momma for taking part and bringing positive energy to my very first interview post. It’s lovely getting to know you a little better and a pleasure to have you join me on my blog.

Furthermore, you can catch Millennial Momma on Pinterest as well as follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and don’t forget to subscribe to her blog for updates!

Please let me know what you thought of the interview by dropping a comment down below. I love hearing from you guys!

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More interviews here.

Thanks for joining us today. Ciao!

A true-crime-obsessed, quirky lifestyle blogger from the coastal city of East London, South Africa whose interests include reading, writing and fitness. Find me on Twitter @WeirdnLiberated.
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