Cape Town Journal: Entry #5

July 17th, 2021

My sister came home this morning and we went and had breakfast (my second breakfast) New York Slice Pizza, the biggest slice of pizza I’ve ever eaten and it was delicious. Great breakfast indeed! If I don’t start working out more, Cape Town is surely going to make me thick.

I’m still so full as I sit here making this journal entry, thinking about the book I finished this morning – Defending Jacob. Man what a twist…

Turns out my sister was actually waiting for me to finish reading the book because there’s a series based on it that we’re gonna start watching today. Can’t wait!

I might as well take these braids off while I binge-watch, not like I have any other plans today and it’s really about time. I’ve BEEN saying this. I’m just not sure what I’m going to do with my hair after I wash it…

Natural hair is beautiful but the maintenance sheesh… I am not the type of girl who likes to faff over her hair which is why I look for hairstyles that I can keep for at least a month. Any hairstyle that lasts shorter than that, you can count me out! Which is exactly why for years I just kept cutting it.

Just finished washing and drying my hair after taking the braids out, OMG it was an entire event! I do not enjoy doing my own hair, my arms feel like I just did a workout. I am one of those people who will never do their own hair if they can afford to always pay someone else to do it, no matter how much free time I have on my hands.

They said this natural hair journey would be fun, they lied! Don’t get me wrong, I love the way my hair looks and feels and how healthy it is. But the maintenance can miss me!

I love the people here. They’re covered in tattoos, have cool and funky hair colours, just minding their own business and not giving a fuck what anyone else thinks. One thing that’s rare in East London. If you decide you want green hair there, EVERYONE will notice because you’ll stand out like a sore thumb. East London folks are quite the conservatives.

I’m trying to come out of my shell a bit more and stop being so afraid of the unknown. I think I’m doing a pretty good job so far. Just need to push myself a bit more, see if maybe I could actually reach my full potential here.

It’s strange how I don’t miss home. Kinda miss hanging out with my friends and drinking with them but I don’t miss being at home. I really like it here. Just need to find a job so I can really settle down and start building a life for myself.

Still waiting for my sister to finish watching her YouTube stuff so we can get started with the Defending Jacob series she was talking about.

Feeling rather tired tonight which I don’t get because my day wasn’t hectic. Am I getting old?

A true-crime-obsessed, quirky lifestyle blogger from the coastal city of East London, South Africa whose interests include reading, writing and fitness. Find me on Twitter @WeirdnLiberated.
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