Creative Corner: Emma – Invincible Woman on Wheels

Hey guys! I hope you’ve had a great week and welcome back to the “Creative Corner “!!!

This platform is a great way to discover new blogs and talented creatives to follow. You also get to know the incredible individuals behind some of these amazing blogs.

Ready to meet this week’s blogger?

Allow me to introduce Emma, the Invincible Woman on Wheels. She is a 23-year-old Cognitive Neuroscience Masters student from England. Emma’s blog, Invincible Woman on Wheels is about a real life with a disability – including travel, accessibility reviews and general life with a disability.

When Emma isn’t blogging or working on her degree, you’ll catch her at a concert or Mixed Martial Arts show.

Let’s get to know a little more about this fascinating blogger…

Emma – Invincible Woman on Wheels blog author

When did you start blogging and why?

I posted my first post in October of 2017.

However, the idea initially stemmed from a girls holiday to Sicily in the summer of that year (which I blogged about here); where they were telling me how much they’d learned about life with a disability having travelled with me and encouraged me to share those experiences with the rest of the world. So I came home and that’s what I did.

What have you been doing to keep productive during the lockdown due to Corona Virus?

I’ve been keeping to-do lists for my degree, my blog and my future steps so that I know what I need to do but can also change up what I’m doing if I’m losing interest.

I’m also listening to podcasts, specifically the Gary Vee Audio Experience to make sure I can maintain focus on what I’m doing.

Who are some of your favourite bloggers and why?

I particularly love Shona Louise (Shona Cobb) and Carrie Ann Lightley for the realistic insight they give into life as a disabled person and all they feel like they do for the disabled community. They’re the people I look up to as bloggers.

Also, Aly from Psychotraveller (more for vlogging than specifically blogging) from sparking my want to travel and her general realism in her videos, showing both the great and difficult parts of life. Realism is the key to blogging for me.

What did you want to be when you were younger and what do you do now?

I wanted to be a social worker when I was younger. Now I’m a Cognitive Neuroscience Masters student and want to be a researcher in Cognitive Neuroscience.

What would you say makes you unique as a blogger?

I think my uniqueness comes from my unwavering realism. I feel like my personal voice is really evident in my posts and hopefully helps readers to connect with me. I’m also unwilling to sugar-coat things in my accessibility reviews.

If I think somewhere has poor accessibility or I would not visit there again, I will say regardless of how the venue would respond and what that would do for my relationship with them

Do you or have you ever participated in Blogtober, why or why not and what advice would you give someone who is interested in doing Blogtober?

I don’t participate and haven’t participated in Blogtober. I didn’t realise it existed (I don’t keep up with trends or those kinds of specific times for blogging or vlogging like Vlogmas and such).

However, if someone was interested in doing Blogtober, I’d say just do it. If you have enough time to think about doing something then just do it.

What do you like most about yourself?

I think my favourite thing about myself is my work ethic and my desire to work really hard to get to my goals. I’m often complimented on it and I think it’s led to a fair few of the opportunities that I’ve gotten.

When you get writer’s block, how do you go about regaining your inspiration?

I tend to revert to my audience and ask about the kind of topics they would like to see discussed from the viewpoint of a disabled person or the kinds of questions they’d like answered. Otherwise, I’ll go for a coffee with my best friend/editor/right-hand woman when it comes to the blog, Nikki, and just discuss life with her and see if we can pull a blog post out of a previous experience that I hadn’t given much thought to previously.

What are the skills you think are required for one to be a successful blogger?

I don’t think there are specific skills you need to have at a certain level before you start, just have a passion for what you’re writing about and learn and grow from there.

Obviously, there are certain things like a writing style, social media skills and knowledge of SEO that will help you improve, but they don’t have to be skilled at a set level before you start blogging, you’ll pick it up as you go, I am.

What advice would you like to give to the new bloggers that are just starting out?

I would say pick a topic you’re passionate about and make sure you genuinely love the things you’re writing about in posts. Don’t write to trends or force content just to make sure you stick to a schedule.

Growth may be slower this way but it will be easier to maintain inspiration.

That’s some sound advice from Emma. I hope you guys are taking notes!

Catch Emma at Invincible Woman on Wheels and subscribe for updates. She is also on platforms such as Twitter @InvincibleWheel, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Go and show her some love guys.

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Thanks so much for joining us on the blog today. It’s truly been a pleasure. Let me know what you thought about this interview by dropping a comment.

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Catch ya later!

>>> More fun interviews

A true-crime-obsessed, quirky lifestyle blogger from the coastal city of East London, South Africa whose interests include reading, writing and fitness. Find me on Twitter @WeirdnLiberated.
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