Upon returning home from Cape Town, I decided it was time to start afresh. Time to declutter! I realised I was still keeping my notes and papers for a course I can’t even finish so I started in the study, black bag in hand and chucked everything of mine that was now useless into it. […]
Things We Should All Do More Of
Hey there, thanks for joining me on the blog. I hope you’ve been enjoying my Blogtober content. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy reading this post. I’ve been spending quite a bit of time alone lately trying to regroup after returning from Cape Town and started thinking about what I want to do more of in life. And […]
Where To Find New Blogs To Follow
If you’re looking for new blogs to follow then you’ve come to the right place. There is an abundance of creative talent out there and as a result, an abundance of blogs. I come across new ones almost every day. I follow a variety of blogs from lifestyle to health and fitness and I’ve found […]
Why I Keep My Blog A Secret From Most
I can count the number of people who know about my blog on one hand. And that’s because I keep my blog a secret and in this post, I’m going to tell you why I keep my blog a secret from most. Why I Keep My Blog A Secret From Most I’ve been blogging seriously […]
Single.Unemployed.Broke. Weird
Welcome to my blog. I’ve been feeling very weird lately, sad and disappointed really, to the point where I was near tears the other day. The past 10 years of my life have been super challenging and although I have grown, sometimes it doesn’t feel that way. Instead, it feels like I’m constantly taking 1 […]
3 Pizzas (& Pasta) I Tried in Cape Town
Hey friend, welcome to the blog! Today, I’ll be talking about one of my favourite things – food. I’ll be talking about 3 pizzas I tried while I was in Cape Town. I had promised myself that while I was there I was going to try as many food spots and restaurants as possible. Even […]
How I Keep Busy During Unemployment
Who else lost their job and has been struggling with unemployment for a while? Well, then you know how important it is to keep busy during unemployment. You know… to keep you sane… If you’ve been following my blog then you know that your girl has been unemployed for a while now, over a year […]
I Took A Free Skillshare Blogging Course
Hello and welcome back to my blog! Today I’ll be sharing my thoughts on the Skillshare Blogging Course, specifically the one on How To Create Content Consistently. I’ve been blogging for a few years now but I’ve never actually taken a blogging course. YouTube ads have been showing me free Skillshare courses for ages so […]
Ramblings of A Dissatisfied B#
This job-hunting thing is bleak. I actually cannot believe I am still unemployed. Never in a million years had I ever imagined that I would be part of the unemployed stats. Honestly thought I’d have found a way to have a steady flow of income by now. Even if it’s not like a whole lot […]
Tattoos – Yay or Nay? What Are Your Thoughts?
It’s 2021 and there are still mixed feelings about tattoos even though they’re quite popular. My own mom has a tattoo; which came as a shock to me because she seemed more of the conservative type. The reason why she got the tattoo? To cover a burn. Mind you that burn was tiny and barely […]