Creative Corner: Erica L. Williams – Writer

Welcome back to the blog…

I am super happy you’ve come to join us here today on Creative Corner to get to know this lovely lady by the name of Erica.

If you aren’t already familiar with Creative Corner, this is a platform where we showcase 1 awesomely talented and unique blogger from any niche and get to know them (and their blog) just a little bit more.

Erica L. Williams is a writer and author of the self-titled blog Erica L. Williams.

She received an MFA in Creative Writing from The Vermont College of Fine Arts. Her writing has been published in The Rumpus, Blood Orange Review, Necessary Fiction, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, and elsewhere.

Here’s what Erika had to say…

writer Erica L. Williams

Are you big on Valentine’s Day and how do you celebrate it?

My husband and I usually go to the wine country and… just kidding, I’m single AF. Although I’ve certainly had my share of “woe is me” single Valentine’s Day moments, I love Valentine’s Day.

I usually do something enjoyable with a friend or take myself out to somewhere fun.

A few years back, I went by myself to a Mary J. Blige concert on Valentine’s Day. It was when she’d just gotten a divorce, so she was in rare form. I was standing in between two couples, dancing and singing to the top of my lungs, “I won’t change my life, my life just fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, ooh.”

What do you love most about blogging?

I like having the platform to put out your material and the available immediacy when you have an idea to express.

People have been blogging for decades, and honestly, some consider blogging to be in a weird space right now. Some think it is outdated, and although there are other mediums to express yourself like podcasting or vlogging, I believe you must decide what platform works best for you.

How did you get into writing?

I’ve been writing since I was a little kid. I have an active imagination, and I love creating worlds. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t writing. It’s something I will do as long as I live, regardless of whether anyone reads what I write.

How do you attract new readers?

I’m relatively new to blogging. I hope word of mouth and thought-provoking content bring traffic to my site.

Honestly, it’s about finding your tribe.

Everyone isn’t going to like what you write, but those who do will support you and hopefully spread the word.

What are you hoping to accomplish with your blog this year?

I hope to continue to create content that people are excited to read.

I want to increase the number of blog posts and be more consistent. I would love to have more subscribers to the blog, so I would like to accomplish it.

What motivates you to keep doing what you do?

I think it’s the love of doing it.

I believe writing is my calling, so my motivation is to honor that calling. It’s something I’ve done all my life, and it’s the one thing that I can fall back on as a form of self-care, whether it’s creative writing or journaling.

What has been the most challenging part of your blogging journey?

I just started blogging during the early part of last year when I was home for the pandemic.

It was a creative outlet for me during a crazy period. My biggest challenge is getting people to read it and share if they like it.

I’m grateful for the people who support it by reading and sharing it.

Why should we read your blog?

When I first started the blog, I remember thinking if someone were having a bad day and wanted to read something that would lift their spirits or make them smile, my blog was for them.

I am a member of Generation X, but I think all age groups can enjoy and learn something from my blog. Thus far, my topics have ranged from the most anticipated books of the year to mental health issues to the Real Housewives.

It’s something for everyone, literary, culture, hot-topics, religion, but more importantly, it’s all me.

Whatever I write on my blog represents who I am, and I am grateful to have created a platform to do that.

Lastly, what advice would you like to give to aspiring writers/bloggers?

For bloggers, don’t try to write like someone else. Find your niche and be authentic.

For creative writers, read widely and keep writing. Be relentless, and if getting published is your goal, don’t let rejections deter you or get you down.

I’ve written one novel, and I am seeking publication for it. I’m currently writing another.

Remember, the industry is subjective, and all it takes is one yes.

Thank you to the sweet Erica L. Williams for joining us on the blog. It’s been a blast chatting with and getting to know her a little better.

You can find Erica at and on Twitter.

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A true-crime-obsessed, quirky lifestyle blogger from the coastal city of East London, South Africa whose interests include reading, writing and fitness. Find me on Twitter @WeirdnLiberated.
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