28 Things I’ve Learnt in 28 Years

Today is my 28th birthday, so in honour of my 28 years of existence on this planet, I’d like to share 28 things that I have learnt.

I will not lie, I often question my existence because most of the time I fail to understand my purpose for being here. Like why was I born? I have yet to figure that out. Nonetheless here are

28 Things I’ve Learnt in 28 Years:

  1. Life goes on; with or without you
  2. Nothing is permanent
  3. Most adults still don’t know what the fuck is going on
  4. Love comes and goes
  5. Sometimes the best thing to do I let go
  6. Learn to love yourself
  7. You don’t need a bunch of friends, a few good and meaningful friendships are enough
  8. Follow your gut instinct because you do know what’s best for yourself
  9. Admit when you need professional help, it’s okay
  10. There are far too many people in the world who don’t love themselves
  11. The importance of learning
  12. It’s never to late to fix a mistake or make things right
  13. To learn from mistakes and not dwell on them
  14. Parents are ordinary people just like me and they aren’t perfect
  15. To celebrate even the minor accomplishments
  16. To look for something to smile about every day especially on the harder days
  17. It’s alright to cry
  18. Not to be afraid to try something new
  19. To walk away from unhealthy situations whether it be social or jobs
  20. The importance of choosing who you spend your time with wisely
  21. Knowing when to say no and how important it is
  22. How to stand my ground
  23. To demand respect because I deserve it
  24. When people hurt you, it’s a reflection of them and not you
  25. To acknowledge my feelings, even the negative ones
  26. The importance of taking a “time out” and switching off
  27. So called “happy pills” don’t actually make you happy, they just sort of level things out
  28. Not to listen to people who speak from a place of fear or people that tell me I can’t do something because they are afraid to pursue their own dreams

So there you have it, 28 random things I’ve learnt in 28 years. Even though it may not always feel like it, growing older is a blessing and we should appreciate all the time we have been given and not take it for granted.

It is never too late to be who we should be or do what we have always wanted to do.

I never thought I would find something I am good at that brings me nothing but pure joy yet here I am blogging and loving it. I have met so many great people through blogging.

Here’s to another good year of growth and self-discovery!

May life only get better from here on out and may my blogging journey take me to new heights.

Thank you to all of you that have helped me to get to where I am today, your efforts are truly appreciated.

A true-crime-obsessed, quirky lifestyle blogger from the coastal city of East London, South Africa whose interests include reading, writing and fitness. Find me on Twitter @WeirdnLiberated.
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