Hey there, thanks for joining me on the blog. I hope you’ve been enjoying my Blogtober content. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy reading this post. I’ve been spending quite a bit of time alone lately trying to regroup after returning from Cape Town and started thinking about what I want to do more of in life. And […]
What I Didn’t Know When I Started Blogging
When I started blogging, I thought you just write your blog post and hit publish and your work was done. Little did I know that there was SO much more to blogging than that. In this post, I’m going to share what I didn’t know when I started blogging that I know now. Hopefully, if […]
Where To Find New Blogs To Follow
If you’re looking for new blogs to follow then you’ve come to the right place. There is an abundance of creative talent out there and as a result, an abundance of blogs. I come across new ones almost every day. I follow a variety of blogs from lifestyle to health and fitness and I’ve found […]
Why I Keep My Blog A Secret From Most
I can count the number of people who know about my blog on one hand. And that’s because I keep my blog a secret and in this post, I’m going to tell you why I keep my blog a secret from most. Why I Keep My Blog A Secret From Most I’ve been blogging seriously […]
Single.Unemployed.Broke. Weird
Welcome to my blog. I’ve been feeling very weird lately, sad and disappointed really, to the point where I was near tears the other day. The past 10 years of my life have been super challenging and although I have grown, sometimes it doesn’t feel that way. Instead, it feels like I’m constantly taking 1 […]
How To Blog Better
Welcome to the blog. Blogging is fun and also a great deal of work, whether you’re doing it professionally or just for fun. You still gotta put your back into it. Today, I’d like to share some tips and tricks I’ve picked up from around the web that has helped me to become a better […]
Blogtober 2021 Kick-Off – Who’s Excited For Blogtober?
This isn’t my first time participating in Blogtober but I’m more prepared than last year, so I hope to outdo myself. This time around, I had blog posts on my blog scheduled all the way up to September by the end of July so I had ample time to come up with Blogtober content and […]
The Perks of Living At Home (For Broke Adults)
Are you in your twenties and still living at home? Then I guess this 1’s for (well more about) you! Actually, it’s really about me as it’s written from my personal experience. Maybe you can relate? The last time I spoke about living at home, I discussed the cons so today I’m going to talk […]
How To Approach Blogtober
If you don’t wanna end up like me, falling behind and backdating your Blogtober posts then this is for you! I’m going to tell you how you should approach Blogtober… Blogtober is a challenging month for blogging. Coming up with 31 blog posts for every day of the month isn’t a small or easy task. […]
So Your Creative Juices Aren’t Flowing? Writer’s Block Tips
I have hit a bit of a slump guys so I thought I should talk about it.I don’t know whether or not you’ve noticed but my creative juices are not flowing and it’s starting to bug me. This is what they call writer’s block. What is writer’s block? Writer’s block is what you call it […]