50 Things That Make Me Happy

Hello hello! What are some of the things that make you happy? I’m in a fantastic mood right now and after reading Thirteen Thought’s blog post, I decided to do write my own “50 things that make me happy” list and share it with you guys. I always try to find happiness every day but […]

More Self-Care Tips To Implement Now

Selfcare should be everyone’s number 1 priority! Selfcare is not just about looking after yourself on the inside, it’s about taking care of yourself in all aspects including body and mind. If you ask me, it’s key to better mental and physical health. It’s been increasingly important to practice self-care these days to ensure we […]

How To Eat Healthier – Healthy Eating Tips

Are you constantly sick, suffering from high blood pressure, having weight troubles and other health complications? Or maybe suffering from constipation? The problem might be your diet! This is why I’m giving you these healthy eating tips. Healthy eating should be everyone’s priority as it promotes good overall health. It’s vital that we eat healthily […]

My Experience With Depression

by Kevin Mangelschots Depression, also known by some as the silent killer. And for good reasons. Little did I know I was going to find out firsthand why this disease was called this way. Because early on in my life, before the age of 16, everything was perfect. I did well in school, had loving […]

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